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Dr Domicele Jonauskaite will give a Zoominar on the Psychology of Colour

Feeling blue? Seeing red? Being green with envy? Colour expressions are prominent in languages and so, no surprise, that many of us assign emotional meanings. The extensive array of emotional responses associated with colours is commonly used in marketing, design and even therapy, but how much of this knowledge is validated through research? Dr Jonauskaite will focus on the science between colour and emotion associations. She is an experimental psychologist who dedicates her study to cognitive and affective connotations of colour. Dr Jonauskaite will explain how colours are experienced and how such experiences interact with our behaviour, debunk myths in colour psychology, and paint the picture of which colour-emotion associations are universal and which ones are country-specific. These scientific findings are based on the International Colour-Emotion Association Survey. The Survey is being conducted in over 80 countries and over 11’000 people, and Dr Jonauskaite is one of the co-founders.

For more information, see here.